Chlorpyriphos Cypermethrin Ec

Chlorpyrifos + Cypermethrin EC - Dual-Action Insecticide for Comprehensive Pest Control

Chlorpyrifos + Cypermethrin EC is a highly effective dual-action insecticide that combines the systemic and contact properties of Chlorpyrifos with the quick knockdown effect of Cypermethrin.

This powerful combination targets a broad spectrum of pests, including aphids, jassids, thrips, bollworms, stem borers, and fruit borers.

It provides long-lasting protection and helps prevent pest reinfestation, safeguarding the health and yield of crops.

Suitable for use in cotton, vegetables, rice, and sugarcane, this emulsifiable concentrate (EC) ensures easy mixing, even application, and consistent results.

It is rainfast, reliable in adverse weather, and safe for the environment when used as directed. Chlorpyrifos + Cypermethrin EC offers farmers an economical and efficient solution for pest management, integrating well with modern agricultural practices to enhance crop productivity and quality.

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