Profenophos Ec

Profenofos EC - Broad-Spectrum Systemic Insecticide for Effective Pest Control

Profenofos EC is a highly effective systemic and contact insecticide designed for controlling a wide range of pests in crops.

It is particularly effective against chewing and sucking pests such as aphids, jassids, bollworms, and mites. Profenofos disrupts the nervous system of pests, ensuring rapid knockdown and long-lasting protection.

This insecticide is suitable for use in crops like cotton, vegetables, pulses, and fruits. Its emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation ensures excellent solubility, even mixing, and uniform application for consistent performance.

Profenofos EC provides reliable control in both larval and adult stages of pests, making it a versatile solution for pest management.

Rainfast and environmentally responsible when used as directed, it integrates seamlessly into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems.

Profenofos EC is a cost-effective and efficient choice to protect crops, ensuring healthier yields and enhanced productivity.

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