Paclobutrazol Sc

Paclobutrazol SC - Advanced Growth Regulator for Compact Plants and Higher Yield

Paclobutrazol SC is a systemic plant growth regulator designed to control excessive vegetative growth while promoting flowering and fruit development.

It works by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis, reducing internode elongation, and creating a more compact plant structure.

This enhances nutrient allocation, leading to healthier plants and improved yields. The suspension concentrate (SC) formulation ensures easy mixing, uniform application, and consistent performance across various crops.

Paclobutrazol SC is ideal for use in fruit trees such as mangoes, apples, and cherries, as well as vegetables and ornamentals, encouraging early and abundant flowering, increased fruit set, and enhanced quality.

Its long-lasting residual action supports sustained growth control.

Rainfast and effective under diverse weather conditions, it integrates seamlessly with sustainable farming practices, providing a cost-effective solution for crop management and productivity improvement.

Product Specification


1 Ltr, 500 Ml, 250 Ml, 100 Ml, 50 Ml, 20 Ml.

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